Q: xearth and Kubuntu

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 15:59:47 UTC 2006

Yes, it's me again with Yet Another Question....

For several years, I've used xearth or xplanet as part of my KDE
desktops. So not unnaturally I wanted to do the same thing with
Kubuntu. But there seems to be some trick to getting it to work,
because the normal method doesn't produce anything on the desktop at

Can anyone tell me how to get xearth (which is included in the Kubuntu
repositories, so I figure that someone has got it to work) to work
with Kubuntu?

(Normally one just sets it in the Advanced Options for the Desktop in
kcontrol. But that doesn't work in Kubuntu, for reasons that are far
from obvious.)

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