locate file in package?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 22:06:24 UTC 2006

> I'm sorry for saying this but...
> Did you read apt-file's man page? Did you even try "apt-file --help"?
> Man pages and/or the --help option are very useful. Sometimes they are
> too long, but for most cases they can save you a lot of time and will
> allow you to "get the job done".

I guess that the last six years of runing Mandrake/Mandriva have
caused me to believe that man pages are a waste of time. I see that I
am going to have to relearn old habits and start retyping "man


> Apt-file, just like its cousin apt-get, needs to receive/update the
> current list of files/packages before you can do any work with it. Why?
> Because otherwise it wont know what the repositories currently have to
> offer.

In my naivete, I assumed (always dangerous) that, like the RPM stuff
I'm used to, all kinds of magic happens behind the scenes and one
basically never has to tell the system to go do something manually.

(OTOH, apt seems to work far, far better than urpmi does; or maybe
it's just that the packagers are more careful when they build the

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