Spaces (and other characters) in filenames

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Aug 23 17:31:40 UTC 2006

On 23/08/06, Freddie Cash <fcash-ml at> wrote:
> What's difficult?  Just put "" around the filenames and everything
> Just Works.  :)  Works with any and all command line apps.  If there's
> some really crazy characters in the file/directory name (like * or ?),
> then use single quotes '' instead.
> # cd "/some/long directory_path/With weir' names/and_ filenames.txt"
> # cp "this is a bad file name as there's punctuation...txt" /some/dir
> # oowriter "some other filename with spaces.odt"

Will do, thanks. By the way, I've been googling bash tutorials, but
none of them really explore interacting with file names. And lots of
the 'tutorials' are really just blogs looking for adsense revenue.
Does anybody have any good bash resources bookmarked that they'd like
to share? Specifically, interacting with files through bash. I see
that I've asked quite a few questions on the subject in the past.

Dotan Cohen

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