Finding non-jpg files
waldbie at
Tue Aug 22 23:02:32 UTC 2006
On Tuesday 22 August 2006 5:00 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I have a large recursive directory of pictures that was once in a
> windows machine. Now that I have copied it to my linux box, I need to
> remove all the files that are NOT jpgs. How can I list all the files
> in a recursive directory that don't end in ".jpg" or ".jpeg"? A shell
> script would be nice, but even a gui program would help. Thanks.
> Dotan Cohen
> 23
To see the list:
$ find . \( ! -iname '*.jpg' -print0 \) \( ! -iname '*.jpeg' -print0 \) |
xargs --null printf "%s\n" | less
To remove the files (make sure you run this in the folder you want to clean!
Backup the folder first, if possible!) :
$ find . \( ! -iname '*.jpg' -print0 \) \( ! -iname '*.jpeg' -print0 \) |
xargs --null rm -f
Carl W.
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