(Not)Playing Embedded Videos With Mozilla Browser
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 19 21:41:59 UTC 2006
This issue dates back to Debian Sid(several months
ago) and now with Ubuntu/Kubuntu distros. I hope
someone will assist as I have posted to Ubuntu but no
solution. Here's the situation:
The embedded videos on my yahoo home page(AP, ABC,
Reuters, etc.) play well(almost; some bluring,
smearing at times) with firefox but dont't play with
konqueror or mozilla browser(the one I want to use).
Since it plays on firefox I don't think it's a flash8
issue. The last time I had the mozilla browser play
embedded videos was with woody and sarge and it played
with mplayerplug-in but I had help to get it to play.
With firefox the mplayerplug-in player comes up as it
used to in mozilla browser when it worked a long time
ago. It may recycle through the usual(connecting,
buffering, playing, etc) but it eventually plays.
In moz browser everything loads and finally ends up
with blank greyed out player screen with a teal green
double crossed image in the middle of the screen. When
you click the image the message is: "This page
contains information of a
type(application/x-mplayer2)that can only be viewed
with the appropriate Plug-in(exact quote). The message
is entitled: Default Plugin. The
"application/x-mplayer2" is listed in KDE's file
association listing. When I came accross this before
under Deb Sid, the mime type wasn't in the list, was
added manually but didn't fix the prob.
I'm using a global setup for Mozilla and mplayer. I
have installed w32 codecs, libxine-extracodecs,
mozilla-mplayer, mplayer, kmplayer,
totem-xine-firefox-plugin, kmplayer-kong-plugins,
kaffeine-xine, gxine, xine-ui, totem-xine,
sun-java5-jre 1.5.0-06-1(1.5.0-07 installed but
doesn't show in kde about plugins, flash player 7.0.63
and everything video related I know of.
I wont say I've read every related man but have read
many and have googled many months on this issue. I may
not know what to look for. I'm not exactly a noobie
but have only been using linux for just over 2 years
and still consider myself a novice, please treat me a
The reason I left debian for ubuntu/kubunto is that
Debian is too geeky for me.
I elected not to post any config files as I would post
everything I could think of which would make this long
post much longer. I prefer for the gurus and
experienced user to ask for what they want to see and
I'll gladly post it.
My personal feeling is that this is a setup/config
issue of some sort; maybe a simple one I'm just
overlooking, but I just can't find it. Any and all
comments welcomed. I'll try anything; just don't know
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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