Samba and Passwords

Jordi Ferrando jferrando at
Tue Aug 15 07:53:35 UTC 2006

This is the way I work:
I create the user "jordi" in Linux.
Then I create the samba password (can be null):
$ sudo -s
# smbpasswd jordi
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:

Of course the users created need access to the samba shares you have.
If you need more deep knowledge of what samba is doing, examine the log 
files in /var/log/samba

Lord Sauron escribió:
> On 8/14/06, Rob Blomquist <rob.blomquist at> wrote:
>>>> I can't find a way to make it so that the Windows machines in the
>>>> house can read and write to the shares without needing a password.  I
>>>> tried putting "everybody" in the valid users field, however, that
>>>> didn't work.  Windows still displays a username/password prompt.  Even
>>>> if I put lsauron (my user name) and my password into the prompt, it
>>>> still rejects me.  I read through man:/smb.conf(5), however, I didn't
>>>> find anything there that helped.
>>>> If anyone has any pointers, tips, howtos, or any other manner of
>>>> media, I'd really appreciate it.
>> You need to run smbpasswd with the login names of the users concerned. They all have to correspond to users on the box that Samba is running on. for more detail, see the man page.
> I've read that whole thing over.  It wasn't a terrible amount of help.
>  I just want the passwords off, that's all.
>> Besides, when I run samba for my family, I have found it to be very easy to configure if I give them all logins, and home directories with symlinks to the various drives they need access to. Samba is basically preconfigured to run this way.
> My family members don't want to work that way...  you know how
> belligerent orcs can be? ; )


*Jordi Ferrando Fabra*

Director Técnico
Camino Viejo Castellón-Onda SN
12540 Vila-real (Castellón) España
Tlf: +34 964 506174 Fax: +34 964 506173

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