kdm with problems NFS

Abdullah Ramazanoglu ar018 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 12 00:10:17 UTC 2006

Patrick Healy dedi ki:

> I have installed kubuntu dapper on my machine at work and things work
> fine as a standalone machine.  However, I NFS mount my home directory
> form a central server and as soon as I mount the directory and attempt
> to log in, kdm hangs with a blue screen.
> I have changed my UID and GID to match what the server wants and I have
> recursively chown'd my home directory to be in keeping with it, but it
> hasn't helped.  I also temporarily renamed my ~/.kde subdirectory, but
> eventhough a new one got created, kdm still only went as far as the
> blank blue screen.

If all the suggestions below fail, as a last resort, you may also want to
try removing the user on Kubuntu and then recreating it with the UID and
GID needed by server.

> If it's worth anything, here's my .xsessions-errors file.  I'm not able
> to tell which of the messages are due to me killing kdm with
> ctrl-alt-del and which are failures prior to that.
> =========================


> DCOP aborting while waiting for answer from 'kded'

Possibly not related to your problem, but I'd like to comment on this
anyway. One of the tasks kded does is monitoring changes to K Menu and
applying them in-session: E.g. when you install an app, it is instantly
shown on K Menu. Otherwise you need to logout-login or manually run:

~$ kbuildsycoca

I usually disable kded's this behavior as it's convenience value, imo,
exceeds the extra load it introduces. To disable enter these lines from

~$ sudo -i
~# cat >> /etc/kde3/kdedrc << EOHD
~# logout


> Aug 11 16:48:14 localhost kdm_greet[5044]: Internal error: memory corrup
> tion detected

This message is harmless AFAIK, and pretty "standard" in Kubuntu Dapper. :)

> Aug 11 16:48:15 localhost kernel: [4295027.244000] portmap: server local
> host not responding, timed out

I think this is the real culprit. You need to install "portmap" on Kubuntu.

Another possibility is, kdm might be attempting to access your NFS home as
root (maybe, maybe not). In such case, NFS server must not "squash" root
access. I.e. you need to add "no_root_squash" option to the share
in /etc/exports. E.g:


Abdullah Ramazanoglu
aramazan ÄT myrealbox D0T cöm

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