Dapper Dual-Booting With XP + XFS *AND* grub

Freddie Cash fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca
Mon Aug 7 12:45:54 UTC 2006

On Sun, August 6, 2006 9:21 pm, Lord Sauron wrote:
> I'm trying to install Dapper from the "alternate" install CD ('cause
> the AMD64 "normal" CD wouldn't boot) and then some.
> I want to use XFS for everything, however, I only know how to use
> grub so I have to use grub, because that allows me to boot XP and
> screw around with my Kernel as I'm very wont to do.
> HOWEVER, grub barfs at XFS, so I thought I'd try to be clever and
> partition my disk thus:
> sda1 (XP) ntfs /media/sda1 sda2 (grub) ext3 /boot sda3 (linux) xfs /
> sda4 (swap) linux-swap " "
> The space allocation really doesn't matter.

> My problem is that I've gone through about three installs and it
> refuses to recognize grub.  It just says "NO SYSTEM DISK - INSERT

Say yes when it asks if you want to install grub into the master boot
record.  That will make grub be the boot loader that the BIOS loads.

Freddie Cash, LPCI-1 CCNT CCLP        Helpdesk / Network Support Tech.
School District 73                    (250) 377-HELP [377-4357]
fcash-ml at sd73.bc.ca

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