ipod madness

jack wallen jlwallen at monkeypantz.net
Wed Apr 26 11:11:21 UTC 2006

> I believe this to be incorrect, since if you format the disc with smaller 
> clusters (which means more of them)  then the File Allocation Table (FAT) 
> also grows in size to keep track of the greater number of allocation points. 
> It is very difficult to decide which size is optimal, therefore I recommend 
> booting into Acronis and having a look at the disc, this will tell you just 
> how much is being wasted for your current setup and also show you the space 
> saving/loss using other cluster sizes, thus allowing you to pick the best and 
> then convert to it.

just thought i'd give everyone an update. i reformatted the ipod
yesterday (vfat again) and added my music back via gtkpod. i think when
amarok mucked up everything (remember it changing all of the language to
chinese?) and I deleted all the songs - i'm not sure if i actually got
everything off. so when i added the songs this time i managed to get
1700 + songs on and checked the remaining space - plenty o' room. so it
must have been amarok that caused the problem!

thank you everyone for your patience on this issue and for all of your help.
\||/   jack wallen, jr                  || life's too short for pants
 00    soon to be head artist           || so get your skirt on @
  >    no really, an artist of heads -  || www.monkeypantz.net
 _     okay, okay...cosmetologist.      ||

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