ipod madness

Francisco Borges f.borges at rug.nl
Mon Apr 24 10:16:30 UTC 2006

ยป On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 11:23PM -0400, jack wallen wrote:

> so i get it all working, fire up gtkpod and it seems to work - BUT it
> splits 2000+ songs into two groups 1) main group and 2) orphaned group. so
> i decide to see if i can fix the issue in amarok. i fire up amarok and all
> of a sudden it switches the language to chinese! of course i don't read
> chinese. i go to the ipod and try changing the language - no luck.
> so now i have 2000 song on my ipod and all the data is in chinese.
> has anyone ever experienced this? am i going to have to reformat yet
> again????
> sorry to keep harping on this issue.


I've been sort of following your ipod adventure.... but without the time
to help much.

Two pieces of advice:

1. Consider installing gtkpod: it does not look as good as amarok, but
   it's totally dedicated to "ipod with linux". Amarok is supposed to
   use their libgpod library but for some reason the amarok in ubuntu
   does not depend on it.

   I do use amarok to listen to music, but for ipod integration I only
   use gtkpod. The problem with gtkpod is that it's not somuch desktop
   integrated, so it might force you to add a entry to /etc/fstab for
   your ipod, or create a link at /media.

2. This is a bit unrelated: you mentioned comming from RH and now using
   apt-get... Use aptitude and not apt-get. Here is the famous "9
   reasons to use aptitude" (instead of apt-get) email:


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