Batch Converting png To bmp

Lucia Sanchez lu at
Thu Apr 20 22:07:54 UTC 2006

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Thanks, Lu. It was a little backwards (I need to convert from png to
> bmp), so I ran:
> $ for i in *png ; do convert $i ${i//.png/.bmp} ; done
> There was .bmp files created, however, they do not seem to be real bmp
> files. The images are all broken and no program (KoulorPaint, for
> instance) can open them.
> Can I do anything else? Thanks.

whooops :(  I suppose that means that convert can't handle bmp files
properly, I guess.

Doing a quick Google search gives nothing definite, but try adding the
"+matte" option if your png images have an alpha mask and see if that works.

 I will live forever or die trying.
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