pgp, mime and kmail

Didier Raboud didier at
Tue Apr 18 20:47:48 UTC 2006

Le Mardi 18 Avril 2006 21:57, Pupeno a écrit :
> Hello,
> Is it possible to decipher OpesPGP/MIME mail on Kmail ? How ? What do I
> need ?

Hum... Big question. I've heard some on IRC who seem to have it natively, I 
can hardly believe it...

If you read french, I once wrote that :

Based (and adapted) from :

which is older than older.

In resumee, 
* gnupg2, gnupg-agent and pinentry-qt should be installed
* 'use-agent' should be uncommented somewhere in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
* ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf should contain that :
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-qt
default-cache-ttl 1800

And finally, 

eval $(gpg-agent --daemon

should be launched at KDE start.

This is a lot too much ! I'm actually trying to find a faster (and more 
userfriendly) way to activate that, but seems hard.


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