kdelibs4c2a missing

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Mon Apr 10 03:00:12 UTC 2006

Simon Zilliken wrote:

>Am Mittwoch 05 April 2006 16:35 schrieb Art Alexion:
>>Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>Simon Zilliken wrote:
>>>>I recently switched to KDE 3.5.2, but it seems like there are some
>>>>packages missing in the repository. I can not install kdelibs-dbg because
>>>>kdelibs4c2a cannot be found.
>>>>Do I need to put any extra sources except from
>>>>http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main into my sources.list?
>>>I have no idea about kubuntu.org, but 3.5.2 is working fine in Dapper -
>>>where you wouldn't need to have any external sources at all (and
>>>kdelibs4c2a is in main).
>>KDE 3.5.2 working fine in breezy here. kdelibs4c2a not installed.  What
>>depends on it?  It seems to be in my repositories.
>As I wrote: kdelibs-dbg needs kdelibs4c2a. KDE itself works fine here, too. 
>More or less.
>Browsing http://www.kubuntu.org/packages/kde352/pool-breezy/kdelibs/ manually
>I can't find kdelibs4c2a - not very surprising - whereas it exists in the 
>dapper branch.
Sorry to answer your question with a dumb one of my own, but what is the
apt command to find out which of the repositories I am getting it from? 
I can confirm its existence by typing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kdelibs<tab>
(which completes to)
sudo apt-get install kdelibs4c2a
but I don't know which of my repos it is found in.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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