Altering the default umask in ubuntu/kubuntu

Hamster hamster at
Sun Apr 9 13:09:24 UTC 2006

On Sun, 9 Apr 2006 20:43:57 +0800
Gabriel Dragffy <dragffy at> wrote:

> In that case do you know if there's an appropriate command that will
> search through these config files, and find the term umask. I reckon
> it'll be somewhere on my /home? I don't even know how to do this.

I don't know, I'm sorry.

I see two options. You can change it on a system wide basis, in which
case you'll need to go looking in /usr somewhere.

Or if you just do it for your user, then it will be somewhere in ~/.kde

You could try something like 
cd ~/.kde  		# changes to .kde dir in your home dir
grep -R 'umask' *  	# looks for the word umask in all files

Now I don't actually think this is going to return any results at all.
I think the solution to this problem is going to be working out which
file is the most appropriate one to use and manually adding the umask
line yourself.

If you want to know which file is the most appropriate, I don't have an
answer. I'm new to KDE too, though not new to linux, so I really have
no good understanding as to how KDE works.

The KDE startup script seems to be /usr/bin/startkde . You could try
adding the following line to the end of this file. 
umask ???  # whatever umask you want

If this doesn't work I have no idea.


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