Kubuntu annoyances (check list)

federico silva ouch.doh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 8 09:26:40 UTC 2006

On Thursday 06 April 2006 18:00, Albert wrote: 
Albert escribió:
> - cut and paste: I subscribe that. Cutting by mouse selection and then
> pasting by middle-click is inconsistent with control+a control+c and then
> control+v elsewhere. 

Yes, two different registers.
I find the multiple register clipboard great.

> While I'm used to it, doesn't mean its confusing for 
> newcomers, who expect a single selection register.

In spanish we say "donde fueres has lo que vieres"
which is more or less "wherever you go do as you see
others do". Newcomers must get used to it. I am not
speaking about being tortured. Just about learning
something new.

Will everybody ask for things as they like
them just because they are new/different?


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