kubuntu dapper release notes

Javier javiermon at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 12:33:00 UTC 2006

On 4/6/06, Javier <javiermon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I've been reading kubuntu dapper release notes. There's something
> wrong in there, but I don't know if it's a bug in the release notes or
> the package in the distro.
> In the release notes you can read:
> "Kopete, for instant messaging, can now use MSN and Yahoo! webcams and
> also download themes and chat window styles using KHotNewStuff."
> This is not true on my system, in fact, kopete is the only app I've
> found with support for KHotNewStuff disabled. It's a bug in the
> release note (and therefore it's disabled in kopete for a particular
> reason) or a bug in kopete waiting to be fixed? In either case I on't
> recommend releasing those notes with something that's not working.
> Thanxs
> --
> Javier


 kubuntu-default-settings (1:6.06-4) dapper; urgency=low
   * Turn on Hot New Stuff in Kopete
   * Wallpaper reverted.  Most amusing.

So it was a kopete packaging bug.

Thanxs Riddell. :)



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