Kubuntu CD Dapper Drake Flight 6 Does Not Boot

paul cooke paul.cooke100 at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 4 17:08:52 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 04 April 2006 15:20, Robert Tilley wrote:
> After burning, the CD would not boot on my Dell Dimension 2350?  It was
> burned with Nero 6.6.
> Does anyone have any insight into this?

load the CD into windows and examine the files there... if there's several 
directories and files then you've managed to burn the disk correctly, but if 
you only see one ginormous file with a .iso extension, then you burned it 
wrong... for help in burning it correctly with Nero, see here:



If you burned it correctly, then one thing to check is the boot order in your 
BIOS. To successfully boot off the CD you have to have the CD drive BEFORE 
any hard disks or else it will just carry on booting from the hard disk as 

Hope this helps :)

Paul Cooke 

> Thanks,
> tilleyrw at cfl.rr.com

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