kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 29

Antonio Ricardo S.S. Correia correia at brutele.be
Fri Sep 23 11:19:15 UTC 2005

I use logcheck, snort (for intrusion detection) and portsentry (blocks 
attempts of intrusion). I also do have a firewall installed, based on 
iptables. I manage the all lot from inside webmin (you have access to it from 
inside your web browser, port 10000) , it's more easy then directly 
manipulating config files in /etc. As a matter of fact I use webmin modules 
for almost all system maintenance, it's really better then the admin 
utilities you find with linux distributions and even if you change of 
distribution you can continue using a tool you're familiar with.

Best regards,

Le Vendredi 23 Septembre 2005 10:07, kubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com a 
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