Mozilla or Firefox for Kubuntu

Christoph Wiesen chris at
Sun Sep 4 12:24:02 UTC 2005

Am Sonntag 04 September 2005 11:22 schrieb TiNePaS:
> Hi:
> I love konqueror, but there are webs that don't work well.
> Is possible download firefox or mozilla static? without install library
> gtk+?
> I hate have library gtk+ in my Kubuntu.
> Are there binaries of Firefox/QT port?

I'm not sure about this but I *think* the autopackage of Firefox is statically 
linked. At least I haven't found anything about it requireing gtk to be 

I can't say for sure though since I have both the ubuntu firefox (and thus all 
of it's dependencies) an the latest autopackage installed.

Anyway if you'd like to try go to and follow the appropriate 
download links.


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