
Art Alexion art.alexion at
Fri Oct 28 13:03:52 UTC 2005

Merv Curley wrote:

>On Wednesday 26 October 2005 00:36, Art Alexion wrote:
>>It works fine for me.  It is disappointing that it doesn't do
>>forecasts like the gnome weather app, but mine seems to do what it
>>promises fine.
>>What sorts of problems are you having?
>Well it says it can't find my city {airport},  but it can't find any 
>city airport in N.America.  So it assume that it isn't connecting to 
>my lan and the net.  My browsers, Kmail  and etc all are ok. 
>However it works on one computer which is still at the breezy 
>pre-release.  However on the computers where it doesn't work,  it 
>didn't work in Hoary either. 
>Very strange.

Strange indeed.  I was going to suggest is was breezy that was the
culprit, but you say it didn't work in hoary either.  Hummm...  A
firewall problem perhaps?  What port does the weather app use?  Is that
port blocked in your firewall?


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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