kmail questions

Scott sclewin at
Thu Oct 27 14:31:16 UTC 2005

Jay Ouzts wrote:
> Art Alexion wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Art Alexion wrote:
>>>> I am thinking of switching from Thunderbird to kmail/kontact.    
>>> Smart man :-) 
> Can you elaborate on this?  I use Thunderbird but am open to 
> switching.  Is there something about Kmail that makes it better?
    Yes, please.  I ask also because when I first started using Linux I 
decided to go with Kmail.  It was part of the KDE desktop that I like 
and I thought it was cool that it was in Kontact.  But, I did not  find 
anything special about it and noticed a few things I did not like.  
First, I noticed that it did not do HTML which was annoying, but not 
enough to stop using it.  Then, I noticed it s spam filtering was 
horrible.  I tried a few different ones on the list in the Kmail options 
and none could detect any spam, not without me telling them first what 
to look for.  I really love the spam filtering in Thunderbird that 
learns from the mail you get.  After a few days it can filter out spam 
with amazing precision and the new version 2 can also filter out scams 
with very nice precision.   The version 2 even checks your spelling as 
you type now, just like the text editors.  Lastly. Kmail did not seem to 
have the same variety of plugins and themes as Thunderbird has.

    Once Kmail gets all the stuff that Thunderbird has or gets something 
that is so good I am willing to give up all the things Thunderbird has I 
am going to need to stick with Thunderbird.

Your friend,

"No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something"

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