Anti-Virus Programs

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Tue Oct 18 22:59:36 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 19 October 2005 00:48, Irena and Richard Jenkins wrote:
> I've found two separate programs: (1) Firestarter and (2) Guarddog.  Tried
> them both briefly but was disappointed in the low level of integration of
> either into Kubuntu.  Neither was configured to start automatically ... and
> Guarddog kept offering to change its configuration.

Both, guarddog and firestarter are not anti-virus software but firewalls [0].

> What I want is an integrated AV program that just works.  Any suggestions
> people??

What do you want to do with the anti virus software? (In case you don't know, 
the chance of getting your Linux system infected by a virus is close to 
non-existing.) There are anti-virus programs that are mainly used on 
mailservers, filtering viruses off emails, the best known are amavis and 
clamav, apt-cache search for them reveals more information.


Hope to have helped,
sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 
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So many beautiful women and so little time. - John Barrymore

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