klik & apt

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Tue Oct 18 13:43:19 UTC 2005

Derek Broughton wrote:

>klik promises much, but I think it's too early to be expecting it to work
>with Ubuntu.
OK, there were two things going on and klik was not at fault.

Prior to posting this thread, I had first tried to install ksudoku by
downloading the .deb and then. using dpkg -i. While dpkg complained of
unmet dependencies, it installed the program nonetheless and the program
worked. This created a KDE menu entry and caused the apt-get upgrade
complaints. I did not know this at the time as I trusted that the
complaints by dpkg when attempting to install prevented that installation.

Then I installed via klik. Klik apparently does not create a menu entry.
clicking the .cmg file installs the program on the fly in the /tmp
branch and runs it. You have to keep the .cmg to run the program.
Deleting the .cmg removes the program. Before I found this out, I
deleted the .cmg after the program started. What I was running was the
aborted -- but working -- dpkg installation.  (Looks like the library
dependencies are needed only for configuration.)

I fixed the problem with apt-get -f install removing the installation
done by dpkg and then put the .cmg back on the KDE desktop. Clicking the
.cmg runs the program from /tmp/apps without installing it or its
dependencies elsewhere. The .cmg is 88k.

BTW, the game is addicting...


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
arthur [at] alexion [dot] com
aim: aalexion
sms: 2679725536 [at] messaging [dot] sprintpcs [dot] com

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