breezy: kaffeine problem [amd64]

Domingo Scisci domi_mailing-list at
Mon Oct 17 17:55:22 UTC 2005

Hi everyone,

I've just finished to configure my new breezy installation. I found a lot of 
problems with kaffeine player. With hoary I was able to watch dvd, divx and 
xvid video, without using chroot. Now I can listen the music (for DVD and 
divx video), but screen is blank. What's strange is I can watch videos with 
xine-ui, so It's just a kaffeine problem. I tried with kaffeine-streamer too, 
but nothing changes: I always got (device or resource busy) and kaffeine 
freezes. Last, each time I close kaffeine, it crashes. I'm afraid that 
kaffeine for amd64 is very buggy.


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