kcore file 1GB HD space (need help) !!

Martin J Hooper martinjh at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue May 31 06:05:44 UTC 2005

hrumland at telusplanet.net wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have discovered recently that I have a kcore file on Kubuntu with a file 
> size of 1 GB in my /proc file system. I realized that for a while the 
> harddrive was constantly writing and that the harddrive space decreased 
> rapidly. This happend also in UBUNTU once resulting in filling up the 
> harddrive space to 95% with bad results. Now I need to know how I can delete 
> this file from the proc file system and how I can make sure that this is not 
> any more happen as this is the result of a crash core dump ????
> Can anybody help ??
> Thanks in advanced
> Holger 

I wouldn't worry about it actually.  The /proc filesystem's contents are 
in memory instead of actually on the hard disc.

Hope thats right!  Am I right there?

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