OT: USB booting the (k)ubuntu Live-CD

Fabien Meghazi amigrave at gmail.com
Wed May 25 10:19:24 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I'm about to buy an USB HD case like this :

But I would like to know something.
I saw that on modern computer, the bios allow to boot on USB.

Is it possible to store the Live-CD on the USB harddrive so I could
have a bootable system that will work on any computer I use ?

And for older computers that does not allow to boot on USB,
is it possible to modify the Live-CD in order to add a grub
boot option wich boot the kernel on the cd, then mount an
USB mass-storage device as the root partition in order to use the
system on the USB mass storage device instead of the Live-CD ?

I don't know anything about USB booting so please forgive me if
my questions are silly.

Fabien Meghazi

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