kmix global hotkeys for volume?

Frode M. Døving frode at
Sun May 22 10:18:22 UTC 2005

lørdag 21 mai 2005, 23:41, skrev ian:
> I keep having this urge to bind hotkeys to volume up/down in kmix, is
> there any way to do this? it seems so obvious, but I don't see a setting
> for it

I use the kmix kicker applet to do this.

This is translated from Norwegian on the fly, some words might be wrong.

1. Right click on kicker -> add to panel -> Applet -> Mixer

2. You'll get a mixer with all channels on the kicker. Right-click on the 
volume-bar -> Hide,  to remove unwanted channels. I keep Master and PCM only.

3. Choose the channel you'd like hotkeys for, right click on the volume-bar -> 
setup hotkeys.

Hope this helps.

- Frode
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