apt & sudo question

jeff jko at bsn1.net
Sun May 15 22:10:41 UTC 2005

Hi all,
I'm trying to move from Mandrake to debian using Kubuntu as
the base install.  So far, Kubuntu intalls ok and looks easy
to setup.  Does anyone know answers to the following questions?

1. How does one eliminate sudo and the root password.  I've
   tried to work with sudo using "sudo -s" and I've edited
   the "passwd" and "shadow" password files to elimiate all
   passwords.  The edits work on other distributions but not
   on Kubuntu.  Also, using sudo is a waste of time.  This
   computer does not have any security needs.

2. I need to install a large number of development tools that
   don't change very often.  They are available at the debian
   archive but it is a pain to use apt-get with this slow modem.
   Can I simply order a dvd snapshot of the debian archive and
   tell apt-get to use it?  The dvd's at www.budgetlinuxcds.com
   are quite inexpensive and they have a debian snapshot with
   the needed files.

Sorry, if the sudo question has been answered already, the archives
has some discussion but it did not seem to answer the question.

  all the best,

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