Ubuntu to Kubuntu

Jochen Skulj jochen at jochenskulj.de
Mon May 9 19:26:34 UTC 2005

> I installed Ubuntu 2 days ago overwriting my Debian Stable install. I
> want to switch to KDE so I followed the instructions to use synaptic.  I
> get the KDE login but then I switch back to gnome.  The
> default-display-manager references kdm.  My gnome logout screen has
> changed to just allow a logout and then I must do a shutdown.  There are
> some kde accessories in my Accessories menu.  Any ideas on what is wrong?

That all sounds pretty normal to me. Maybe you just have to change the session 
type when you login with kdm the first time. Normally kdm performs a login 
with your last session type which may in your case be GNOME. So you have just 
to choose KDE as session type once to login into KDE.

Besides this, it's normal to have mixed menus when you have both KDE and GNOME 
installed and it's also normal to have  limited logout options if your 
desktop environment and your session manager are different - that means if  
you use kdm with GNOME or gdm with KDE.

Jochen Skulj
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