USB flash drive

Derek Broughton auspex at
Thu May 5 17:15:44 UTC 2005

On Thursday 05 May 2005 08:44, Jose Gomez-Dans wrote:
> If you click on the desktop with the right mouse button, you can
> configure some option that's called something like "Device Options",
> and you can click there to add your USB drive. Sorry for the
> vagueness, but I'm not in Kubuntu at the moment, and don't know the
> exact score for this. But you will see a list of devices (mounted CD,
> unmounted CD...). Make sure you click on the ones you want to appear
> magically when inserted (I gather it might be "Unmounted USB" or
> somesuch).

Ah, but the problem would be with the upgraded packages (I suspect picking up 
non-ubuntu binaries).  I've just done three kubuntu installs today, trying to 
get things working the way I want (that is, to have the kubuntu stuff I want 
and still have all the important stuff from my old Debian install), and I 
lost those icons in the first two - probably because I ended up reinstalling 
old debian KDE packages instead of new ubuntu ones.  The specific selections 
in this dialog that you need are "(Unm)ounted removable medium", and they 
didn't exist in the Debian sid packages.

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