Adding non-ubuntu packages

Derek Broughton auspex at
Tue May 3 12:11:16 UTC 2005

On Monday 02 May 2005 15:15, Abdullah Ramazanoglu wrote:
> Derek Broughton dedi ki:
> >
> > Yes.  That's what I've done, now, thanks.  My main sources are breezy -
> > main, restricted, universe & multivers.  Then, at a lower priority Debian
> > unstable. Finally, just "mambo" from Debian experimental.
> Did you pin official repos to 1000? Have you tested it out? I asked because
> I'm also trying to do the same thing, but I've some concerns.

You seem to have the same concerns I did last time I tried this.  The apt 
documentation is _too_ detailed and overwhelming.  I just used this simple 
 derek at othello:~$ cat /etc/apt/preferences
 Package: *
 Pin: release a=breezy
 Pin-Priority: 700

 Package: *
 Pin: release a=unstable
 Pin-Priority: 650

 Package: mambo
 Pin: release a=experimental
 Pin-Priority: 550

Breezy is Ubuntu, unstable and experimental are Debian.  I haven't been using 
it long enough to see any problems.  

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