If i can't use the internet and my sound card is'nt detected......

Jonathan Byrne jbyrne at frontbridge.com
Mon May 2 22:45:34 UTC 2005

On Sunday 01 May 2005 13:30, Bobby Singh wrote:

> Then when i try to go on the interent you have the
> browser opening but nothing.  I tried manual configure
> but still nothing.  I have broadband through a belkin
> ethernet modem-router.

Hi Bob,

Here are some commands that will give us information that will help 
troubleshoot your problem:

Please open a terminal window (konsole is the default one in KDE) and 
type each of these commands

cat /etc/resolv.conf

ifconfig will show the current configuration of your network interfaces, 
and cat /etc/resolv.conf will show what's in your resolv.conf file, 
which should contain (at least) the IP addresses of the nameservers 
that your system should be using.

If there is no IP address and no nameserver information, it may be the 
case that you aren't getting an IP address via DHCP from the Belkin.


Jonathan Byrne <jbyrne at frontbridge.com>
Manager, Spam Analysis
FrontBridge Technologies, Inc. <http://www.frontbridge.com>

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