Missing kde taskbar

Rafa rafaor at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 21:01:48 UTC 2005

Hello, all

I decided to give kubuntu a try in a test machine (I use warty as my
main).  Everything went fine until last time I updated (saturday or

Now the KDE taskbar and K menu are missing.  The application panel is
there (with the shortcuts to firefox and terminal window) but nothing
else.  I can access the properties page and make changes to it, but
nothing is shown.

I read in the known problems that "kdeaddons" are not yet available. 
Not having much experience in KDE I can't tell if this is the problem
or what (I do see several libhal errors in the .xsessionerrors file
but that might be because my soundcard is kind of toasted).

Also, during setup, timezone was not set correctly (I wanted to choose
"America/Panama" but only "America/" came up in /etc/timezone) but
this might be an hoary issue and not Kubuntu specific.


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