Larry Grover
lgrover at zoominternet.net
Mon Mar 28 13:12:07 UTC 2005
musicman wrote:
> Yeah, I knew about that added space in the html...my system can't seem
> to find the cd drive either...I'm used to the old linux system where
> it was under /dev/cdrom or whatever, but it's not there now, but I do
> have cdrom, cdrom0 and cdrom1 in /media and /cdrom at root level - it
> just wont find the music cds I put in...
> any ideas on that problem?
> cheers
> L.
Ubuntu uses links under /media for removable media, but I can't get
kaffeine to use /medai/cdrom either. However, if I set kaffeine to
use the device itself (/dev/hdb on my system) it plays CD's just fine.
In case you don't know where to set this in kaffeine, look under the
"settings" menu, "xine engine parameters". Click on the "Media" icon
on the left, and then fill in the "audio_cd.device" entry box (top
entry in the "Beginner Options" tab). You'll need to know which
device your CD drive is.
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