Some issues with the preview release.

Chris Halls chris.halls at
Tue Mar 22 21:21:46 UTC 2005

On Monday 21 Mar 2005 06:36, Holger Rumland wrote:
> 2 ) there seems to be no root terminal and su to root is not working.

Use sudo.  Also, type in your _user_  password when you see a kdesu dialog.

> To 
> activate
>       the root user per Kuser also caused a crash.

Please file a bug with information about how to reproduce this

> 3) some thoughts:  please update the Open Office packages to the latest
> version
>      2.0.

2.0 isn't out yet, and the current beta isn't stable enough to release as 
primary office.  You can still get the openoffice.org2 packages from 


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