Kubuntu Install Information

Irena and Richard Jenkins richard.jenkins at internode.on.net
Thu Mar 10 00:01:37 UTC 2005

Hello everybody...

I have installed Ubuntu on this machine in the past and have enjoyed the 
up-to-date programs.  Using Debian 'woody' is a bit of a pain ... now that it 
is more than two years old!!   However, I do NOT enjoy Gnome programs.  No 
offence to Gnome lovers but I really can't get used to Gnome ways of doing 
things after much KDE experience.

So, finding Kubuntu was a revelation!  All I need to do is install Ubuntu ... 
and then chase up some KDE software plus the required libraries - right?  
Will Synaptic do this automatically for me?  Is there a 'howto' to explain 
what to do for 'senior people'?

Many thanks for your help... as I am struggling with Debian 3.0r1 at the 

Irena & Richard Jenkins                                               VK1NDV 
&  VK1RJ
Canberra,  AUSTRALIA

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