
Serg Belokamen serg.belokamen at
Wed Jun 29 00:08:36 UTC 2005

You need Apache since Subversion (svn) is build using Apache framework
and communicates via its own server facilities or like you mentioned
HTTP. In case of HTTP, you will need WebDav and configure Apache
accordingly. You will also need Apache WebDav module, etc... I will
post more details when I get home (in 8-10 hours maybe). However I am
not sure what you mean by protocols, do you want to communicate with
Subversion repository so you can checkout files or do you want run a
Subversion server?

Being a bit more specific would help.


On 29/06/05, Frode M. Døving <frode at> wrote:
> Try to install the kdesdk-misc package.
> - Frode
> Tirsdag 28 juni 2005 23:54, skrev Thomas Olsen:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm using kubuntu with great pleasure and often use the protocols in the
> > subject. Now a friend of mine has installed kubuntu too but hasn't got
> > these protocols installed.
> > Can anyone tell me which package they are in?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > --
> > Med venlig hilsen
> >
> > Thomas Olsen
> --
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