Any database program?

Donatas G. ziogelis77 at
Tue Jun 28 05:29:35 UTC 2005

2005 m. Birželio 25 d., Šeštadienis 06:33, Carl rašė:

> I believe the new KDE just out has a program called kexi that is
> supposed to be software along the lines of MS Access.

I have a problem locating kexi. I have installed koffice 1.4 from the 

deb hoary-updates main

but I cannot lounch kexi:

ziogelis77 at pieva:~$ kexi
bash: kexi: command not found
ziogelis77 at pieva:~$  

and I cannot find it either:

ziogelis77 at pieva:~$ sudo apt-cache search kexi
libkexif0 - KDE library to read/edit EXIF informations (runtime version)
libkexif0-dev - KDE library to read/edit EXIF informations (development files)
ziogelis77 at pieva:~$    

Which repository should I add to install and run it correctly?

Donatas Glodenis

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