where is KDE 3.4.1 for amd64????

Frode M. Døving frode at lnix.net
Mon Jun 27 13:34:06 UTC 2005

Onsdag 22 juni 2005 15:06, skrev Peter Shillan:
> Hi Domi,
> On 6/22/05, Scido <domi_mailing-list at yahoo.it> wrote:
> > Maybe I'll be annoying you, but I really don't understand why, after a
> > mounth, there isn't the kde 3.4.1 packages for amd64 arch. Now It's out
> > koffice1.4, will it be the same? Is there any problem? doesn't they
> > compile on amd64 PCs? Please tell us how much time you need, if you need
> > help or other...
> I have asked this question twice now and still not received an answer.
>  If anyone does let you know off-list, I would appreciate you passing
> that answer on to me.

I'm working on packages for amd64 now. Sorry it's this late. 
Our amd64-compile-guy has been very busy lately. 
Note that theese are not official ubuntu packages. They are more like 
semi-official kubuntu.org packages. That's why we can't use the ubuntu 
compile-farm to compile the packages.   

KDE 3.4.1 is almost done (missing kdevelop and updated kdepim (closing #8221). 
koffice is next on my priority list.

I'll post a message to this list when KDE 3.4.1 is ready for download. 
And another one when koffice 1.4 is ready.

- Frode
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