I did it!!! Kde 3.4.1 e Koffice 1.4 for amd64

Scido domi_mailing-list at yahoo.it
Thu Jun 23 18:05:59 UTC 2005


I did it. I've tried to compile everything on my amd64 CPU and it seems all 
If someone would try, I made a repository. Here's the link:

deb http://www.digitalronin.it/ubuntu hoary-updates main

Beware, use it on your own risk!!!
(I'm using it and so far everything is ok)

I've uploaded other packages:
libxine -> 1.0.1 version (resolve kaffeine crashing)
python2.4-kde3 -> 3.11.4
libtunepimp -> compiled against libmad0 (mp3 support)
streamtuner -> patched for live365 problem

for kde-i18n-* packages, you can use the official repository (perhaps tomorrow 
I'll copy them on my ftp).

Tomorrow I'm going to write a small note regarding compile methods I used for 
KDE and Koffice.

Per gli hacker un computer significa anche
intrattenimento. Non giochi, non belle immagini
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                                Linus Torvalds
Linux User # 368882
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