[hoary] prelinking

Ed Cogburn edcogburn at hotpop.com
Tue Jun 21 15:28:15 UTC 2005

Thilo Six wrote:

> Ed Cogburn schrieb am 18.06.2005 15:38:
> <snip>
>> Well, prelink works for some people extremely well.  I've been using it
>> for about a year now, have a cron job that does it automatically every 3
>> days.
> Well that's weird. What I am doing wrong??

IIRC, your original post showed a warning message about an unresolved
symbol.  I get those from some libs too.  It isn't your fault, nor is it
prelink, the problem is that library or whatever wasn't built completely
correctly (but still built well enough that it works).  Its just a minor,
sometimes cosmetic, problem (if apps that use that library never use that
unresolved symbol then nothing ever breaks).  Generally, simply ignore all
warnings from prelink, only errors really matter to you (a user).

> Anyway I wont try angain. My system is probably not the fastest, but at
> least it works.  :)

Well, if anyone uses a lot of C++ apps, especially anyone using KDE, I would
still recommend prelink, because even on a fast machine, prelinking all of
KDE makes a *huge* difference in KDE's startup time.  prelink has less of
an impact with plain C apps, or apps that link to only a couple of libs.

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