Kubuntu questions

Paul M. Bucalo ubuntuser at pmbservices.com
Sun Jun 19 21:38:49 UTC 2005

On Sunday 19 June 2005 05:18 pm, Ben Hayes wrote:
> Hello
> Ben Hayes wrote:
> > I've installed Kubuntu perfectly on my system and updated the
> > system (apt-get dist-upgrade).  I've also installed the
> > Ubuntu-desktop as well. I've always used my email on Windows but
> > now I'm in a situation where I want to move from my Windows
> > environment to Kubuntu.  So, here's my problems:
> <snip>
> > 2)  I want to use Kontact as my PIM.  Currently, I use
> > Thunderbird on Windows.  But for Linux, I would prefer the
> > Kontact system.  Can Kontact import Thunderbird emails and
> > contact?  I've seen the import option in Kontact but was unsure
> > if there were any issues on importing.
> Does anyone know of any software that allows you to migrate from
> windows to linux i.e. copy your documents, emails, pictures, music,
> etc, etc and then move them to linux?  I seem to recall there was
> such a program that existed but cannot remember the name of it.

If your emails (in Windows) are on the same computer as you are 
running Kubuntu, you should be able to import directly into Kontact. 
I believe there is a Thunderbird import filter. However, if you are 
trying to import them from another PC, you may only be able to import 
each individual MBOX from Thunderbird by using the MBOX filter. I've 
never tried to do this from one PC to another. You'll have to try and 
see. Addresses and calendar information is most likely unobtainable 
if not on the same PC, and to what extent they are is unknown by me. 
Once again, try and see what happens.



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