Kubuntu questions

Ben Hayes ben.hayes at bjconsultancy.co.uk
Sun Jun 19 20:33:47 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1


To start off, this is my first post to the list so hello to everyone
out.  I've mainly used Red Hat for many years prior to moving over to
Slackware about a year ago.  The main reason for going over to Slackware
was to get a better understanding of Linux itself (instead of learning
just a Distro).  Now, I've come across Kubuntu (Ubuntu) and like the
look and feel of it (mainly the hotplug system and the updated KDE and
X.org system).  Since playing around with Kubuntu, I could never see
myself moving away from a Debian based OS again!  I love the power to

I've installed Kubuntu perfectly on my system and updated the system
(apt-get dist-upgrade).  I've also installed the Ubuntu-desktop as well.
 I've always used my email on Windows but now I'm in a situation where I
want to move from my Windows environment to Kubuntu.  So, here's my

1)  My windows partition isn't mounted by default.  Is there a way in
which I can auto mount it (say via the fstab file) whereby ALL users
have read access to it?  (It's NTFS formatted so it will have to be
read-only).  When I try and mount it, only root has access to it and my
account cannot access it.

2)  I want to use Kontact as my PIM.  Currently, I use Thunderbird on
Windows.  But for Linux, I would prefer the Kontact system.  Can Kontact
import Thunderbird emails and contact?  I've seen the import option in
Kontact but was unsure if there were any issues on importing.

3)  By default, the root account is denied access to log onto the
computer.  How do I change this so root can log onto the computer? I've
already enabled the root account and given it a password.

4)  SOUND!  :(  Currently, I have a Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit
5.1/6.1/7.1 pci card.  Does anyone have this type of card and have they
also got it to work on Kubuntu (well, Linux period).  While I am sure
that in time, the Alsa Project Team will get this working, it would be
nice to have some sound on my system.  (I guess this serves me right for
not fully researching this prior to buying the card.)

5) F-Spot.  Is there a compiled Kubuntu/Debian release of F-spot yet?
If so, where can I get this from?

Thanks to anyone out there who can help me on these.

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