KUbuntu sessions logout problem

Serg Belokamen serg.belokamen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 15:59:26 UTC 2005

Hi All, 

I've noticed that after I leave my workstation unattended and lock the
screen or just let workstation idle out for the screen saver to kick in,
it logs me out after few hours. 

For example, when I leave my machine sitting there over night (with
screen saver ON) it will log me out.

By loging me out, I mean exatly that. When I try to log back in I am
presented with a login screen as it would after a reboot or something...

It is so annoying!!!

Any help would be apreciated.

Some system details:

System is uptodate.

Relevant sources.lists records: 
deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main

System is: Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" (as per /etc/issue)

Some KDE packages form dpkg -l that might help:  
ii  kde-core       42ubuntu1      The K Desktop Environment (Core)

ii  kdebase        3.4.1-0ubuntu0 base components from the official KDE

ii  kdelibs        3.4.1-0ubuntu0 core libraries from the official KDE

ii  kdelibs4       3.4.1-0ubuntu0 core libraries for all KDE


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