new linux-image: why?

trygvebw trygvebw at
Mon Jun 13 18:20:53 UTC 2005

Why is it then that i feel that my computer is faster when i use the 686 
kernel? And why is it then that i recieve higher HD benchmark results when i 
use the 686 one?


On 6/13/05, fransex gmail <fransex at> wrote:
> I don't think so, I think the instruction set in Athlon XP is very
> much closer to Athlon K7's than to Pentium Pro's.
> K7 - AMD ATHLON Family (not K6, not amd64-k8)
> 686 - INTEL Pentium Pro and higher (PII, PIII, PIV...)
> I guess more than one subscriber to this list has heard of MMX,
> MMXExt, 3DNow, 3DNowExt, PowerNOW!, etc... which are features a little
> more advanced than Pentium Pro's MMX (it's less than Pentium II)!
> -K7 have MMX, MMXExt, 3DNow, 3DNowExt and PowerNOW!
> -586 have MMX
> -686 have MMX and MMX2
> And your Athlon XP has MMX, MMXExt, 3DNow, 3DNowExt and PowerNOW! So I
> think the right choice here is K7!
> So, I don't know why you all advice that wrong!
> Here you have 2 links with a little of info
> [spanish]
> [spanish] 
> Please correct me in the case I'm wrong, but I think it's a bad
> practise trying to help without knowing the right answer.
> I hope this helps. Excuse me for my typos.
> --
> kubuntu-users mailing list
> kubuntu-users at
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