how to make my own customized livecd?

John Levin john at
Sun Jun 12 13:48:30 UTC 2005

On 12 Jun 2005, at 12:48, Albert wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of a tutorial or something on how to get the  
> sources for a livecd (in my case a powerpc livecd) and edit it so  
> as to remove lots of apps, add a few of my own, and edit kde  
> configuration files to enable specific networks and desktop behaviour?
> Thanks.
> Albert

There's been some discussion on this - and refering specifically to  
ppc - on the mailing lists, but a half hour of searching hasn't  
located it for me.
I'm sure there's a few other wiki pages, but search seems to be  
busted, for me at least.



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