K3b problems . . . . . . .

Alastair Preston aprestn5 at telus.net
Fri Jun 10 01:48:59 UTC 2005

On Thursday June 9 2005 12:42 pm, Eduardo Robles Elvira wrote:
> Sorry, I don't think that saying he didn't do his homework is a good answer
> at all. It seems to me that the problem is not that he didn't do it, but
> rather that Kubuntu didn't detect and configure it properly, but it could
> (I belive!), and thus it's a bug - either in kubuntu itself, hotplug,
> cdrecord, whatever - and despite that, of course, the easiest solution for
> him might be to fix it manually, it's not the user faultt =).
> Greetings,
>     Edulix.
I have to agree now. It wasn't obvious from his quoted output that his drive 
is connected neither as an IDE drive nor as a SCSI drive, but rather by a 
PCMCIA + USB connection. I still think the problem is that the connection 
isn't configured correctly, and that may well be a matter of Kubuntu not 
detecting it properly. 

Al Preston

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