[kubuntu-users] Re: A general question regarding KDE releases

Christoph Wiesen chris at deadhand.com
Thu Jun 9 20:10:09 UTC 2005

Am Donnerstag 09 Juni 2005 19:17 schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 06:26:18PM +0200, Tobias Eichert wrote:
> > On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 17:15:20 +0200, Dripple <dripple2 at laposte.net> wrote:
> > >Well, I upgraded to KDE 3.4.1 / Hoary with no particular problem...
> > >
> > >just follow the guide :
> > >http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
> >
> > Are those deb packages officially supported by the Kubuntu team or are
> > they just
> > there to satisfy Hoary users waiting for a bugfix release?
> They are supported.  Problems are best reported on this list.
> Jonathan Riddell

Thanks for the info, I will install them now.

Had the intention of keeping this installation 'clean', meaning I intend to 
use as less unsupported or third party packages as possible (kubuntu is a 
great base for this), to keep my system well upgradeable.

Maybe you could make it a bit more clear on kununtu.org, that these 3.4.1 
packages are not like the unsopported (and sometimes semi-buggy) packages 
SuSE has for KDE releases, but are actually supported by Kubuntu.

Great to see this kind of involvement with KDE and getting new realeases ready 
for general use, the day they become available.


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