Updating to KDE 3.4.1 broke cervisia

Donatas G. ziogelis77 at takas.lt
Wed Jun 1 19:19:56 UTC 2005

2005 m. Birželio 1 d., Trečiadienis 21:31, Lonnie Blansett rašė:
> I updated to KDE 3.4.1 and almost everthing seemed to work just fine...
> except cervisia.  I had to downgrade cervisia to make it work again...
> It told me it could find "libkdeinit_cervisia.so" which doesn't appear
> to exist.  However, after the downgrade the file
> "libkdeinit_cervisia.so" still doesn't exist but cervisia works just fine.
> Has any one else had this problem and/or have a fix for it?

I have the same problem. But downgrade did not help me.

Donatas Glodenis

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