sound blaster live dosn't show up?

James Gray james at
Tue Jul 26 07:06:47 UTC 2005

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 03:14 pm, Ian Baber wrote:
> I just installed a fresh copy of kubuntu on a system with a sound
> blaster live! 24bit soundcard, and it dosn't show up at all.
> sound server won't run, dosn't seem to be recognizing the device at
> all.  any suggestions? I was hoping to make this system into a
> digital jukebox, but this could make that difficult :-/
> --Ian

HI Ian,

AFAIK all the "SB Live!" cards are handled by the "emu10k1" kernel driver 
(module).  emu10k1 = emu-one-zero-k-one. Try:
sudo modprobe -v emu10k1

If you don't get errors try:
sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp  (you should hear "white noise" from your
CTRL-C to stop.

If that's successful add "emu10k1" to /etc/modules and it will load every time 
you boot :)  Whatever sound system you use should now be happy (arts, esp, 
oss etc).


I knew I'd hate COBOL the moment I saw they'd used "perform" instead of "do".
             -- Larry Wall on a not-so-popular programming language

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